Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Revelation by the Mile - February 20, 2013

Zone Conference yesterday! I was writing stuff down like crazy. Lots of new things coming my way. I have a llloooooooooooooonnng way to go. But it's ok, because "this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God" (Alma 34:32). I am not quite ready to meet God yet, so I have a long way to go. But I know how to better do things now. If you look inside the front cover of the February 2013 Ensign, there is an incredible quote that hit me like a ton of bricks. Gotta love being put in your place by the Spirit of the Lord.
We found 3 new families since I last emailed. So the work is going great!
Found out my finger that I thought I broke back on December 26th is broken, and I am out of P-Day sports until the end of May due to Mission Mom's orders. Bummer!
Please send me anything that has helped you spiritually, I love to hear how life is going! Thanks to everyone that has! A letter in the mail makes a missionary happy!

Until we Meet Again,
Elder Zachary R McKenzie
Iowa Des Moines Mission
    D&C 6:34, 36
Doubt Not, Fear Not.
550 is NIFTY

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Confirmations and Vandals - February 11 2013

This week has been CRAZY! Monday, Elder Hess was sick. Wednesday was Preparation day. Thurday we moved someone. Saturday, we had district meeting and some other missionaries had a baptism. Sunday, Gayle received the Holy Ghost! Super odd week. But is was great. We picked up a handful of new investigators and got Members to all of our investigator lessons but one!
Our church building was vandalized on Monday! A door was left open. Somebody/Somebodies came into the church, broke all of the glass for the fire extinguishers and sprayed them over every square inch of the building, broke vases, stole computers, broke doorknobs, broke the cabinet off the pulpit, put holes in some walls, and wrote an apology under a picture of Jesus on the wall. It was crazy. We got a call from other missionaries who share the building Tuesday and they said it had been "bamboozled." We were shocked. The next day we went in and saw the damage. If you want to, watch the news report on the vandalism. The church was being professionally cleaned throughout the week, but it wasn't quite going to be ready for Sunday services. Not wanting to cancel church for the second time in a three-week period, the Bishops from both wards in the building sent out a request for whoever could to help clean up on Saturday morning. Around 100 people showed up! The building looked better Sunday morning than it did before. It is just another testimony to me that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a true church, and a well organized one at that!
We picked up a few new investigators this week! One is named John. His wife is a less-active member and he is an awesome guy with lots of questions. They love to feed us and we love to eat their food! She is a great cook. :) He asks a lot of good questions and he wants to know and wants to progress. We found another investigator we found is named Leslie. She is a single mother in her early 20s who watches her cousin's kids for a living. Some other missionaries dropped by and left a Book of Mormon about three months ago. She reads her bible every day and is no longer comfortable with her old churches. She is golden!
It has been a good week. My companion, Elder Hess, is a great missionary and has enough patience to deal with me. We get along great and the work just keeps getting better and better!
Keep reading your scriptures, going to church, and praying to God! He love you and He wants you to love Him too!
My favorite study from this week was when I read Alma chapter 26. We need to be grateful to God for all he gives us and to give all of our glory to Him. After all, what will you give in exchange for your soul?

Love your Elder friend,
Elder Zachary R McKenzie
Iowa Des Moines Mission
    D&C 6:34, 36
Doubt Not, Fear Not.
550 is NIFTY

6-month Click! - February 5, 2013

I am officially 6 months out on my mission. Crazy huh? This last week was kind of discouraging because a lot of appointments fell through and Gayle didn't come to church, but we are working on all of that fun stuff.
When I am on an exchange or behind in writing in my journal, I write my journal entry on a post-it note or another piece of paper so I can update it in my journal later. Yesterday, I had a stack of papers and post-it notes from December 27, 2012. Elder Hess was sick, so I spend the whole day watching videos we use in proselyting, and transferring the writings on post-it notes and papers into my actual Journal and Gratitude Journal. Now I am caught up, and it feels great!
I was watching the "I'm a Mormon" video for Larry Gelwix yesterday, as Elder Hess has it on one of his DVDs. Larry Gelwix, was the Highland Rugby coach that is portrayed in "Forever Strong." Very successful man. He says "this isn't Mambi Pambi let's hold hands and sing kum by ya." My family will really remember this, but the Geico commercial where it says "Would a drill sargeant make a good psychiatrist?" hahaha...
Check out the brand new Mormon Message. Eternal perspective :) If you can't tell, I really love mormon messages, and the other videos the church puts out, and even those about eternal principles that the Church doesn't produce. They are one of the best catalysts of the Spirit. I love them so much. If you find a good one, please share it with me :)
It was a good week. Keep on being the awesome people you are. Elder Busche of the Seventy gave a wonderful talk back on May 14, 1996 talking about the scripture Mosiah 3:19 and how to combat the natural man. I can't find the link to the speech, but it is amazing. That is one thing I would like you all to listen to or read soon. It has helped me out tremendously.
Remember, Jesus loves you, and I do too :)
Elder Zachary R McKenzie
Iowa Des Moines Mission
    D&C 6:34, 36
Doubt Not, Fear Not.
Faith in 550 for Christ in 2013